Monday, February 15, 2010

Best Life doesn't need all that money

We think we need the best of everything in order to have a Healthy Life.
It's a yes and no situation....

Look at the wealthiest people in the world
They have the best quality food, the best houses in the best area, the best of education
and if they get sick, they have the best supplements/vitamins/medicines, the best doctors, the best medical facilities.
In short, they have the money to get the best of everything in life.

BUT .............
Are they necessarily happy ?
are they eating right ?
are they living right ?
and are they living they life they really want ?

YES... they will have a Healthy Life, only if they live right
We see rich people get sick
Politicians, Presidents, Celebrities, Heirs, Kings, Royalties, Rich businessman, scientists, even doctors, they all get sick.
Heart attacks, High blood pressures, Depression, Cancer, AIDS, Cholesterol problems, etc
They all have access to the best quality organic food, the best purest living conditions, the best medical care, and they all still got defeated by illnesses......
They have power and they've accomplished so much but they don't live a balanced life and they're not necessarily happy.

NO.... the best of everything money can buy doesn't necessarily get you health.
You have to want the Healthy Life and Live it.

Money can buy you things, and yes they make life easier.
But we know that money doesn't give us happiness

Money gets you the best entertainments and parties
but endless nights of clubbing and excessive smoking & drinking will ruin you in the end.

Money makes you want more money
You work extra hours and you burn yourself out with deadlines and stress
You tire yourself and you become unhappy

Money gives you the power to buy anything you want, to eat whatever you want.
But you choose to eat unhealthily

Money gives you the best in Life
but if you don't choose to live right, all the money in the world will not make you Healthy.

and we know that it's not just the best food
Eating the best quality Healthiest food in the world won't keep you healthy if you're unhappy, stressed out, angry, lonely.
Taking the highest quality vitamins won't keep you healthy if you're eating junk most of the time.
Knowing the best doctors, scientists, and all the newest breakthrough in medicine won't keep you healthy if you don't apply all those information in your life and actually live a healthy life.
Being a hardworker at your job and being lazy when it comes to exercising makes you unfit
They're all linked together.
So it's your choice
You need to want to be Healthy
Have a Balanced Life
Love your job and Accomplish in Life
Know when to rest
Eat well, Enjoy your food
Exercise enough and Have Fun doing it
Spend time outside in Nature
Surround yourself with loved ones and be sincerely Happy
Remember your Daily Prayers, Be grateful
Do Good and Grow in Love
and you're good...

You don't need all that money to be the happiest healthiest person in the world :)
You can be, right now :)