Monday, February 15, 2010

Best Life doesn't need all that money

We think we need the best of everything in order to have a Healthy Life.
It's a yes and no situation....

Look at the wealthiest people in the world
They have the best quality food, the best houses in the best area, the best of education
and if they get sick, they have the best supplements/vitamins/medicines, the best doctors, the best medical facilities.
In short, they have the money to get the best of everything in life.

BUT .............
Are they necessarily happy ?
are they eating right ?
are they living right ?
and are they living they life they really want ?

YES... they will have a Healthy Life, only if they live right
We see rich people get sick
Politicians, Presidents, Celebrities, Heirs, Kings, Royalties, Rich businessman, scientists, even doctors, they all get sick.
Heart attacks, High blood pressures, Depression, Cancer, AIDS, Cholesterol problems, etc
They all have access to the best quality organic food, the best purest living conditions, the best medical care, and they all still got defeated by illnesses......
They have power and they've accomplished so much but they don't live a balanced life and they're not necessarily happy.

NO.... the best of everything money can buy doesn't necessarily get you health.
You have to want the Healthy Life and Live it.

Money can buy you things, and yes they make life easier.
But we know that money doesn't give us happiness

Money gets you the best entertainments and parties
but endless nights of clubbing and excessive smoking & drinking will ruin you in the end.

Money makes you want more money
You work extra hours and you burn yourself out with deadlines and stress
You tire yourself and you become unhappy

Money gives you the power to buy anything you want, to eat whatever you want.
But you choose to eat unhealthily

Money gives you the best in Life
but if you don't choose to live right, all the money in the world will not make you Healthy.

and we know that it's not just the best food
Eating the best quality Healthiest food in the world won't keep you healthy if you're unhappy, stressed out, angry, lonely.
Taking the highest quality vitamins won't keep you healthy if you're eating junk most of the time.
Knowing the best doctors, scientists, and all the newest breakthrough in medicine won't keep you healthy if you don't apply all those information in your life and actually live a healthy life.
Being a hardworker at your job and being lazy when it comes to exercising makes you unfit
They're all linked together.
So it's your choice
You need to want to be Healthy
Have a Balanced Life
Love your job and Accomplish in Life
Know when to rest
Eat well, Enjoy your food
Exercise enough and Have Fun doing it
Spend time outside in Nature
Surround yourself with loved ones and be sincerely Happy
Remember your Daily Prayers, Be grateful
Do Good and Grow in Love
and you're good...

You don't need all that money to be the happiest healthiest person in the world :)
You can be, right now :)

Money Issue on Healthy Food # 1

Here's a picture of Klappertaart and a close up of a Pomegranate

1 cup of Klappertaart cost approx US$ 2
1 Pomegranate fruit cost approx US$ 2

They both taste good
but Pomegranate wins in the "I'll make you pretty, happy & healthy" department

Easy choice, right ?
Buy fruit instead of desserts !!

"But some fruits are expensive"
I know I've said that.... looking at a small bag of cherries costing up to US$ 10
But I don't mind spending that amount money on 3 slices of gourmet cakes or a tub of high quality ice cream.

What is it with beautiful desserts that makes us don't mind spending the money ?
yes they taste good, yes they're pretty... but they're not healthy
Fruits on the other hand............. are very beneficial for you
I don't have to tell you about their anti-oxidant properties, or how they make your skin glow or how they contain essential vitamins that your body need....... you already know all that
It's a matter of realizing it and making the right choice
So if you're gonna spend the same amount of money on desserts or fruits..... choose fruits instead :)

and even if you can't stop eating desserts,
try to have a Balance
Next time you're thinking to get cute cakes and ice cream
Get that fruit you've been holding back buying........
that Local Organic Blackberries, the Seasonal Mango, those Figs.....mmmm :)
or just get any affordable fruits that you like
and after a while, if you keep listening to your body....
you'll know that you're gonna want more healthy fruits instead of sugary desserts.

So Splurge on Fruits !!
and as with everything..... eat in moderation :D

PS. Klappertaart is a dessert that has a Dutch influence
It is like custard with generous coconut meat slices inside.
Some people prefer the baked version, making it more cake-y.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Donuts and desserts .... yummmoo rite ?

What are donuts doing here in The Healthy Life Diet blog ?
we all know donuts aren't healthy....
but they taste good tho....
so despite their fattening and unhealthy characteristic, they make us happy, in a way... ;p
Is it true ? yes ? no ?

Desserts are also becoming a thing of prestige nowadays....
We see people buying expensive desserts wrapped in beautiful fancy boxes
They then flaunt the pretty paper bag with desserts in it.
Above is a photo of Macarons from Ladurée that I bought when I was in Paris.
Just going to the Ladurée at Avenue des Champs-Elysées in Paris itself is an experience.
Everything is gorgeous from the colorful arrays of macarons to the decor of the Tea salon and even the packaging itself makes you want to have one.
It's a complete package of beautiful things, decadent desserts and prestige rolled into a lifestyle that we all want.
And for those that can't afford such a lifestyle ?
well... cheaper alternatives are everywhere and because they're all sugary food, they taste good too.

I'm not saying we should reject the "lifestyle" and we should all stop eating desserts and ice cream and cakes.
You may do so if you choose to eat healthy living foods and you'll definitely feel good about yourself.... Good for you !!
But for a lot of us..... it's hard to Not eat desserts.... rite ?

so we know why we eat desserts :
1. desserts taste great.......
2. desserts make us happy.... kinda....(because too much of them makes u sick and we tend to eat too much of them..... why that is will be discussed later on)
3. fancy desserts look pretty and we're all attracted to pretty things ;p
4. prestige :
- buying fancy desserts alone somehow gives you a superior feeling of having a distinguished taste over other people's.... you feel proud carrying that box of assorted cakes from that particular cake shoppe.
- esp the girls, we want the haute lifestyle of afternoon tea and eating fancy expensive gorgeous tiny little desserts while we get the chance to play dress up and be seen :)
- they make great gifts, .... people just love receiving them
5. desserts are sold everywhere
It's so easy for us to just buy them, exclusive dessert boutique, restaurants, corner shoppe, supermarkets, schools, etc

what else do we know ?
Desserts are pretty yes, but they're mostly a lump of unhealthy fat and sugar and salt
(and other unnecessary ingredients such as artificial color, artificial flavor, preservatives, etc)
So we take joy in eating a lump of unhealthy fat and sugar and salt ?
For what ? only to feel awful afterwards ?
We feel awful physically because again, we overeat and when it comes to dessert, we tend to overeat which leads to not just feeling too full, but to gaining weight and bad health.
We feel awful mentally because again, we feel guilty for "ruining" our diet
Afterwards we promise ourselves that we wouldn't eat desserts anymore, but we break our own promise, so the cycle continues..... feeling awful, awful awful.
Then you try a certain diet, you try to exercise more but you never do, you try a certain diet pill, you try a certain slimming treatment at a beauty center.
It's like willingly and happily eating "poison" and frantically searching for antidotes later on.

Why ?
because we lack will power, yes....
But also....
"But by combining fats, sugar and salt in innumerable ways, food makers have essentially tapped into the brain’s reward system, creating a feedback loop that stimulates our desire to eat and leaves us wanting more and more even when we’re full."

That statement is based on a book by Dr. David Kessler
"The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite"
I haven't read the book yet, but the reviews are good and informative

"You can't even tell when you are satiated, because the combination of the fat, sugar, and salt overrides the ability for the body to create satiety signals to get you to stop eating. "

"fat, salt and sugar are there in combinations to solely get you hooked to eat more of the product"

So now we know that our brain is tricked by all the combination of fat, sugar and salt in the dessert so we can't stop eating it, but eating so much of it makes us feel awful afterwards.
It's kinda being lied to, in a way.
and I think it's time that we all be responsible and start eating healthily.
For most of us, it doesn't mean that we should stop eating desserts for good.
Again... if you can do so, good for you :)
But if you're eating 3 bars of chocolate and drinking 5 cans of soft drinks daily, that's not good.
Alcohol contains sugars too.... cocktails especially.
So be responsible..... You know it's bad for you, so why do you keep eating so much of it ?
Be smarter and Choose a way healthier alternative.

I don't have a photo of fruits right now....
but you can imagine this....
Donuts vs Freshly cut bright red watermelon that's sweet and cool and crunchy
Biscuits vs Mango with the perfect juicy orange flesh that has the perfect balance of sweetness and sourness that you can't get enough of.
Candies vs Grapes.... as simple as that....
Syrup vs Freshly squeezed Orange Juice
you get the picture right ?

Donuts, biscuits and candies vs sweet fresh fruits
Fruits are sweet too... but they're way healthier than desserts
Fruits doesn't make us feel awful, not like when we eat too much fatty desserts
Now you tell me why can't fruits be a lifestyle ?
If you choose fruits over fatty sugary desserts, you'll definitely slim down to a better weight and you'll definitely feel "light"
Why can't we choose fruits to satisfy our "sugar" cravings ?
It's your choice :)
and I believe you'll make the right choice.